Taking A Look At The Dole Food Company

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Dole Food Company, a Fortune 500 business based out of Westlake Village California, has a strong mission statement that claims to have high quality products, as well as leading the industry in educating consumers on nutrition. “Dole supports these goals with a corporate philosophy of adhering to the highest ethical conduct in all its business dealings, treatment of its employees, and social and environmental policies,” (dole.com, 2016). After an extensive look at the Dole website, and further research on Dole’s international business practices, it is evident that while their website backs their statement they are locked in conflict and controversy internationally. The website is bright, functional and easy to navigate. Upon opening their web-link there is a picture of a pineapple field followed by product packaging, which gives a wholesome farm-to-table feeling. There are several links on the website in regards to nutrition, which supports their mission statement. The website can be tailored to suit a consumers lifestyle by selecting from a list of ‘lifestyle’ choices, to include: I’m always on the go, I’m counting calories, I cook with my kids, I’m a vegetarian, I like lots of protein, and so forth. These selections filter your internal searches to better suit your lifestyle choices and …show more content…

After clicking the link consumers will discover a popup menu with the following options: Organic Farming, Sustainability, and Food Safety. All of which are of particular interest in regards to their positive environmental claims. They provide educational information on their water management, carbon footprint, soil conservation and packaging, to ensure the consumer is aware of their positive practices and minimal environmental impact. Today, globalization has increased the carbon footprint making conservation efforts and being environmentally conscious a plus. Once again Dole’s website observes the company’s mission