Cold, sweaty, anxious and alone, all words that described me as I waited nervously for my ride outside of Dr. Henry A. Wise Jr., High School’s gymnasium. It was a night in mid-November of 2012. Tryouts had lasted longer than expected so my father took his time coming to pick me up. I don’t know why but I was half-expecting to make JV despite Wise being one of the highest rated high school basketball teams in Prince George’s county and me being mediocre in the sport. I suppose I was just used to somehow getting what I wanted without any real effort. I’ve been considered a “tall kid” since elementary school and always made the team in middle school. However, that night, I completely embarrassed myself, I missed every shot I threw up, I didn’t make a single play in the scrimmages, and was out of breathe for all three hours. That night, I lied to my father and said I did okay. I didn’t do okay; and that was only the first day of tryouts, on the second and final day of tryouts my name was the first called for cuts, the ultimate failure. …show more content…
When they dismissed the freshmen and sophomores who didn’t make it, he, who wasn’t among us, made eye contact. I had never before seen so much pity directed at me and it frustrated me. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to let it go or find another sport. I pledged that I would get in around the house snacking and playing video games, but that would only worsen my state. shape, sharpen my skills and make the team next year. Never before had I been so compelled to accomplish a goal, but I was clueless as to where to start. My primary teenage instinct was to laze Although I knew it would get me on track, I was extremely hesitant to go to my dad. He would soon stop being dad and become a drill