
Taylor Swift Rhetorical Devices

462 Words2 Pages

Natalie Clark
Mrs. Grillo
Rhetorical analysis
April 14, 2023

In Taylor Swift’s song “The Man'' she emphasizes:
I'm so sick of running as fast as I can
Wondering if I'd get there quicker
If I was man
And I'm so sick of them coming at me again. 'Cause if I was a man
Then I'd be the man.
Following this song release, she was nominated and won the category “Women of the Decade '' during the 2019 Billboard music awards. In her acceptance speech, she refers back to this situation and powerfully addresses the issue today, toxic male privilege and gender inequality within the music industry. With this, she shares her personal experience and feelings towards this subject to fellow musicians and attendees of this award show. Due to her persuasion by using literary and rhetorical devices, Taylor Swift was able to get her point …show more content…

In the speech addressed, she constantly grabs the attention of her audience by adequately using two rhetorical appeals, ethos and pathos. The first one of Taylor’s strongest rhetorical appeals she used as a form of persuasion is ethos. When she addresses all the obstacles and unfairness built within the music industry, she gives the audience the ability to trust her since she’s been in this industry and has experienced these said issues. Taylor addressed, “And I saw that as a female in this industry, some people will always have slight reservations about you. Whether you deserve to be there, whether your male producer or co-writer is the reason for your success, or whether it was a savvy record label. It wasn’t”. Transitioning from this, she then uses the appeal, pathos, in order to influence the emotions within the audience. She talks about her intimate experience of the

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