Teachers Tenure In Schools

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Tenured is a term used for contractual continued service, which restricts the ability to fire employees (Braun). Tenure provides protection for teachers, making it very difficult to be fired. There are many pros and cons of teacher tenure to consider. Tenure protects teachers from being fired for many reasons, whether it is personal, political, or money issues. Tenure protects the teachers, but sometimes it makes it difficult for the school to fire the teachers. If a tenured teacher needs to be fired, there are many rules and regulations to be followed in order to continue with the process. Teachers receive tenure after one to seven years on average (ProCon.org). People believe teacher tenure is benefitting the schools by giving the …show more content…

At Unity High School teachers tend to be promoted tenured their fifth year (Mr. Fink). Administration wants to provide teachers with the best resources to improve their teaching, so they are willing to take teachers to conferences. Tenure empowers teachers to become more involved in school. Research was found when teachers know how schools are run, they are more likely to be invested in the school, stay longer, and are more engaged (Kahlenberg). Tenured teachers stay longer at the school, which is great for the school, because turning over teachers is disruptive to the school. Tenure encourages the careful selection of qualified and effective teachers. While each state has its own regulations for how teacher tenure works, most are very similar. Each new teacher is given a probation period and during that period the teacher must prove that they are having a positive effect on their students. Since it is difficult to remove tenured teachers, tenure encourages school administrators to take more care when making the promotions. In contrast, tenure promotes administrators to dismiss under-performing teachers before they achieve tenure (ProCon.org). Administrators try to be very careful when they promote teacher tenure, but there are many regulations to take into …show more content…

Teacher recruitment is difficult the way it already is, and without tenure it would make it even harder to find the qualified teachers. “The promise of a secure and stable job attracts many teachers to the teaching profession, and eliminating teacher tenure would hamper teacher recruitment” (ProCon.org). Teacher recruitment and retention is difficult because of the low pay for a college-educated profession (Kahlenberg). Tenure allows schools an incentive for their educational college degree, making tenure a highly valuable form of compensation. In contrast, a tenure contract does not guarantee a teacher a job for life. Each state’s tenure laws establish strict requirements and processes for removing a tenured teacher” (ProCon.org). Tenure attracts teachers because of guaranteeing job