Teaching Philosophy Statement

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Although the emotion and commitment needed to remain a vibrant, engaged, and caring teacher year after year might dissipate, I will be sustained by recalling all the reasons why I wanted to start teaching. Keeping these reasons fresh in our minds and revisiting them often will help keep us, as a teacher, on track to reach our teaching goals. Some choose to try change the world by highlighting issues, donating money, or by becoming the president, I chose to try make a difference in the world by becoming a teacher and starting them off on the right track when they are young. I realize that teaching is exhausting, never-ending, and hard work. We are reminded of this on a daily basis whether it is by the media or by our professors in class, but …show more content…

Giving up on students is one of the most selfish and easiest ways out. There is a large amount of pressure on a teacher’s shoulders. They are in charge of guiding their students and dealing with students’ parents. I have learned that when you feel that you have done everything you could and nothing seems to be working in your favor, do not accept failure. Therefore, when one of the sweet and brilliant or lost and unmotivated students that used to sit in a class of mine stops asking questions and ends up in trouble, I will keep teaching because if I were to stop teaching, I would be encouraging my students to give up on their dreams. Students look up to their teachers, and when a teacher quits when the battle gets tough, that teacher is no longer around to reverse the problems and guide those students toward their future dreams and …show more content…

. . teachers being able to address the substantial diversity in experiences that children bring with them to school . . .” and love as, “. . . requiring an equally rich and varying repertoire of teaching strategies” (Grant, Sleeter 9). By addressing the diversity in the classroom teachers are able to bring the class together as a whole. This makes learning a unified process as students will be more comfortable communicating with each other whereas if they were uncomfortable there would be a divide between the students who were willing to communicate their questions as to those who were afraid to ask questions. Those students who were afraid of asking questions would not be able to gain knowledge that they had the potential to gain. Love is defined in this context by saying that teachers who use a variety of teaching styles will help students to gain knowledge in a way that is accustomed to their learning style. If a student is a visual learner and the teacher on uses the method of lecturing that instructor is showing favoritism and more love to those students who learn better by hearing the