Teaching Philosophy Statement

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1 A teacher can build a positive relationship with students by remembering their names and important details. I’m a fan of having the students fills out a notecard with information they want their teacher to be aware of as well as their name and interesting facts. Which gives the student an opportunity to let the teacher know relevant information that may not come up normally in conversation. A positive classroom starts with constructive feedback where ever possible. Psychology tells us that all ages are more receptive to positive feedback. I think looking for the positive in everyone you meet and keeping that in mind when working with them helps your demeanor. Lastly, a teacher can show respect towards their students by doing things like being …show more content…

In light of school shootings, freak accidents and other things that may hurt our students I know that because I care about them it will hurt me too. Like a parent I would want the best for each student and hope that they never had to experience some of the horrors of this world. On the other hand, I look forward to positively impacting and making a difference in my students lives. If even one comes back to acknowledge that I made a difference, I think that will be one of the best rewards of teaching. The positive side of the teaching profession is that it has good hours. Having a job with school day hours I believe will be useful if I decide to have a family of my own. The hours off in the summer are also a …show more content…

Students will likely depend on you for state testing preparation and I find most subjects build continuously so any wrong information could continue to impact the student. No one is going to be in the classroom every day with a first year teacher to correct them on content or provide suggestions on how to engage young learners on difficult concepts. I would hope by the time a first year teacher in in the classroom they have already been instilled with ideas about instructional practice and elements of professional responsibility such as dress and continued professional development are already ingrained in them from their undergraduate years in the education program. I am sure we will have more classes that teach us about children and how they grow and learn but a first year teacher really won’t know the culture and difference of the students in their classroom in the first few weeks. Assuming all of the above is true, then the best thing a first year teacher can do for their students is to know their content area inside and