Understand The Characteristics Of Successful Learners

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The learning process should involve learner participation through a managed and open learning environment. Delivering instruction requires an interaction between the learner and the instructor so that the learner acquires or uses the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to function effectively on the job. The success of the interaction will be based on the skill of the instructor in (a) matching instructional content with effective learning methodologies, (b) structuring content delivery, (c) developing and using effective learning resources, (d) using effective active learning strategies. Between learner and instructor, the interaction required to promote a constructive learning experience is complex. Understanding the characteristics of successful learners and choosing those experiences that will enhance learner success are crucial in developing a positive classroom environment that makes learning meaningful and practical.

Instructors should take the opportunity of the first day in class to agree with learners on the learning objectives and the characteristics of learning environment. Interestingly, research has shown that when adults are allowed to play a part in establishing their learning climate, they participate much more fully and assume more responsibility for achieving outcomes. First impressions and …show more content…

Most instructors have had many hours of training in reading, writing and speaking, but little or no instruction in how to listen. Listening can be either passive or active. Passive listening tends to be incomplete and inaccurate while active listening involves encouraging others to give the entire message in order to better understand and act on the communication. Active listening requires the listener to empathize with the speaker in order to understand the speaker’s point of

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