My Experience As An Educational Assistant (EA) Practicum Student

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Having a positive attitude and good communication
As an educational assistant (EA) practicum student, the first strategy I thought of that can help me develop a good relationship with the students and staff is through having a positive attitude and good communication. On the first day, I arrived in school 10 minutes before 8 am, so I can prepare myself and check out the school. The learning coach gave me and my classmate a school tour. As we walk along the corridors, I try to familiarize myself with the school’s structure through listening to the learning coach intently and asks questions about the school. Also, we get to meet most of the school staff. Even though I was nervous, since it was the first day of practicum, I try to mask it by smiling …show more content…

V. She introduced herself and she asked me what I want to do on my first day. I told her that I will make observations first and I can assist the class when needed. Moreover, I also get to meet the other EA in the classroom, Mrs. A. Since I was new, I do not have that much background and/or information about each student’s behavior and personality, I approached Mrs. A and introduced myself. I asked her if she can give me tips on who I should focus on. She was kind enough to let me know who among the student that I need to focus on. Therefore, it was easier for me to know who are the students I should mostly direct my energy into when it comes to assisting and supporting the teacher’s behavior …show more content…

A. and asked her what I need to do when the same situation happens again. I found out that it was not the first time that Student A. did that, and she is still trying to learn how to have a positive behavior. Moreover, it was nice to hear some encouragement from her. Causton-Theories (2009) suggested that “To sustain yourself as a paraprofessional, you need a network of caring support (p.114).” In school, I see Mrs. A (the EA) as my caring support. I find her friendly and approachable. Most of the information I learned about the students in that class was from Mrs. A. I would also like to note that I will share and discuss what happened to the teacher on