Teaching Philosophy Statement

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Becoming a teacher is not a profession you do because you want or need the money. Teaching is something you must have a deep heart and love for the idea of placing new information into not only childrens minds but collaborating with you coworkers. Children love to learn and are always seeking new information to obtain. You must be the one who is willing to teach them new things while making it entertaining for them. Perception of purpose is huge for dispositional hiring, knowing the applicant is infront of you for all the right reasons. Although curriculums must be followed you need to find an applicant who can take the curriculum and push it beyond the limits make more out of it not just this is what must be thought nothing else. In my opinion …show more content…

Teaching others has been something that has been in my interests also. When I was younger I always played the teacher and would teach my dolls, teddy bears, and anything that would sit still and listen. Teaching out of the box is something that means a lot to me, some kids are brilliant from the second they are born and are constantly absorbing new information, making school a breeze for them. On the other hand you will have kids who struggle with learn and truly do not understand the topic. Thus making a teacher have to bend both ways. Being able to teach the child who understands it to his level but making sure the child who struggles is also up to par. A challenge for anyone who becomes a teacher it is inviable. They must have broad perspective on all things in the educational field. Including the philosophy of education. The idea of existentialism is that is focuses on the individual rather than the standards everyone has for these children to be the same cookie cutter type. Children are worthy to learn and they are more than capable of it. Perception of others is in my opinion the biggest disposition in a teacher. If a teacher does not think a child is worthy of learning then they are wasting a huge amount of their life and do not deserve to be in the