Teaching Philosophy Statement

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One ideological drive behind becoming a teacher is engaging students and inspiring them to love learning. My passion involves a deep love for Science and understanding of the world we live. Having about two years left I'm currently focused on finished my degree in Biology and secondary education. While exploring the profession of teaching a few aspect of the job made me want to exam them closer. A teacher's work week can transition into too long hours after the school. In addition, there is a lot of misinformation on teachers evaluation. Lastly, looking into the role of parent-teacher communications.
In order maintain an effect classroom teachers spend and average 53 hours a week working ("http://www.nea.org.dcccd.idm.oclc.org/home/12661.htm). Although you may be contracted to work set numbers of hours, your success in the classroom will depend on long hours outside of school. On average teacher will spend the same amount of time outside the classroom as they do in it. Furthermore, a study by the University of California stated that for every one hour in the class teachers spend two to four hours preparing. My expectations before looking into to a number of time teachers work would of more aligned with just the amount the pay you for in the classroom. …show more content…

Reaching out to parents and creating positive communications lines can greatly increase the success of students. One of my friends said they enjoy receiving personal updates and phone calls regarding their child's performance. Creating parent involvement will require me to be more outgoing. The research shows that these relationships are needed in a successful environment. One way I would like to create this relationship would be to host beginning of class meet and greet. In addition also provide parents with personal reports of their students and sending emails about upcoming things students are learning

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