Team Management: A Self-Managed Work Team

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1. DEFINITION OF TEAM MANAGEMENT Team Management refers to the ability of an individual or an organisation to bind the team together towards the achievement of a desired goal. 2. OBJECTIVES OF TEAM MANAGEMENT The objectives of Team Management are to: Ensure that the team accomplishes its goal with its limited resources Maintain the high morale of employees and motivate them to achieve team goals Maximise the potential of every team member towards the achievement of team goals 3. TYPES OF TEAMS IN AN ORGANISATION The following types of teams may exist in an organisation: Self-Managed Work Teams A Self-Managed Work Team, also known as Self-Directed Work Team or Work Team, is a formal work team that is autonomous or semi-autonomous, aimed …show more content…

Factors that should be considered includes the scale of the project, group cohesiveness, willpower of each team member etc. However, it is essential to bear in mind the Law of Diminishing Returns which states that when additional members are added to the team, it increases team effort and productivity at the expense of a team that is harder to manage, more conflicts etc. Teams that are too large may end up being less cohesive or engage in Groupthink which reduces its …show more content…

Team members will encounter various problems and situations that may arise when working in a team. Thus, they need to be able to adapt to the changes in the situation and think of ways to make the best of it. Persuasion Skills In a team setting, there are bound to be group discussions and there is a likelihood that more than one idea is raised, with each team member having different views on which idea they should support. Thus, team members ought to be able to persuade each other on why the idea they raised should be supported. Afterall, these ideas are raised for the betterment of the team. Feedback Skills It is essential that each team member is able to provide and receive feedback to and from each other. Afterall, that is what keeps each team member improving, in hope of achieving the team’s goals. Team members should do so tactfully so that it will not antagonise the person receiving the feedback. Conflict Resolution Skills In a team setting, there bound to be conflicts and these conflicts may get quite heated up at times. Team members ought to be able to resolve conflicts amongst themselves. Ultimately, their conflicts should lead to improvements made for the betterment of the