How To Write A Reflective Essay On Teamwork Reflection

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Reflection on Seminar

This assignment is designed to reflect on the process of teamwork in order to achieve one of the course requirements of legal and ethical principle informing innovative leadership core course module. The aim of this assignment is to look at the reflection of the seminar that allow us to connect, in person, with an audience of the same field. The process of completing this task started by randomly chooses a pairs from mixing different groups of specialties. However, luckily I got my classmate as a pair in this assignment and we plan both to set together and looked at the main points to undertake to complete this task. Brainstorming on the right time helped us to go in the right way as we decided our work in advance and divided it among ourselves. Brainstorming is a way to expand your thinking on a topic. Mind mapping then helps you to organise your ideas and consider the relationships between them. (Arnaudet, M & Barrett, M 1984). It helped us to get better ideas and made our goal clear and also the way to achieve it.
Time management was another thing that we had to keep in mind because already we had a lot of work to do and other assignments were also there to be completed so we had to manage our time carefully. We were made to work into groups and Team work boost the …show more content…

It’s a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realise and maximise their potential. Maslow (1970) suggests that all individuals have an in-built need for personal development which occurs through the process called self-actualisation. We learned to take responsibility because no one can do this for you, because you are the person who benefits the most. The development belongs depend on the person own self. Enough time should be devoted to the profession, it could help individuals to get better in you field. (Thomas Lynch 2009, Sally

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