In the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Earth has become something that a reader could only dream of. The book is an explanation that as time passed, the world became more and more gruesome until the idealized solution to was to take the population’s liberties and every sense of “normal” away. That meant no more families, feelings, or individuality. God along with religion is no longer existent and has been replaced with Henry Ford. Henry Ford is the one said to have fixed the population by making a world built for repopulation and simplicity. In the story, love is replaced with machinery and technology that creates a human and then conditions it to think in a way that would better suit the population (i.e. not liking nature or travel but loving sports and sex). The most important warning that Aldous Huxley gives to us in Brave New World is technology's potential to remove humans from what is …show more content…
One way that technology replaces emotion in the story is with machinery that replaces the act of being a mother. By using alcohol, dangerous substances, and oxygen deprivation while being created in a tube, the babies are made to be placed into the group of which they are decided to belong. There are five groups: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons. Alphas are individuals that aren’t harmed and are made into a creation of perfection. They are the top of the food chain by being tall, attractive, and intelligent. By using alcohol and other dangerous techniques, the Epsilons are made to be short, ugly, and simpleminded. The other three groups are somewhere in between. After the babies are “born,” they are taught to have morals that reflect upon their groups and create appreciation for where they were placed. This happens while the babies sleep using tapes that play constantly and repetitively. These tapes also prepare children to hate the things