Teenager Fox Lindberg's Waking Up After High School

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Waking up at six in the morning and going to a learning environment can automatically create a negative atmosphere for a teenager. It has become a popular opinion and even a proven fact that school starts too early. A student's brain does not awake until at least ten o’clock in the morning. Having early morning classes and being required to pay attention and attempt to retain information makes for a difficult time for the student. This can result in poor grades and high stress levels. Schools go on to make the student life harder. Having poor grades can make a home life on a student difficult, and it can create tension between a student and their parents. With the lack of sleep that the students can get based off of their classes and extracurricular …show more content…

Teenager Skye Lindberg, who is fifteen years old, explains that she is unable to wake up any later than five forty every morning for school to be on time for her six thirty bus, and be on time for school that starts at seven twenty (“Teens Rise”). She shares that it is hard for her to keep her eyes open in the beginning of her morning and even later on in the day. After school she attends her extra curricular activities such as rehearsal and that it is not until later on in the evening that she even gets to go home. Once she is home that is when she is available to do her homework and get everything done that she needs for the following day. She states that it isn’t until eleven, sometimes even eleven thirty, at night that she is all done and finally able to go to sleep (“Teens Rise”). Students across the country are required to fully function no matter how much sleep they get, this can cause their grades to suffer. When a student's grades begin to decline, it can put more stress on that student, on top of the stress that they already have. With all of the work that a student receives from school, it forces them to stay up later just to keep up with it all, just as Skye Lindeberg explained (“Teens Rise”). Skye, among thousands of of other teenagers face these issues