Terrorism In The United States Essay

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A major issue the United States faces is terrorism. One of the most notorious and destructive terrorist groups currently aiming at us is ISIS. ISIS is a group that stands for Sharia Law and wants to implement it into modern day society by using any means necessary. (CNN) Those that oppose their laws will be killed and does that conform will be subjected to limited freedom. They enforce their radical views on everyone else by capturing, torturing and killing innocent people. They then videotape these killings, beheadings, and other torture methods to induce fear and manipulate people. They should not be allowed to do these unacceptable acts and get away with it.
These videos are also used to recruit members from across the globe. Most terrorist …show more content…

They feel that rather than convince people with peaceful words and teachings they should just torture and kill anyone that is not them. They kidnap people and post beheading videos to spread fear into the hearts of those that oppose them.
The reason this is an issue of relevancy in our country is because it puts us in harm’s way. These terrorists harm us and scare us using their horrible tactics and something must be done about it. These attacks happen at random, by people we wouldn’t even think to look twice at. What they do is cruel, unethical, unconstitutional, and just plain wrong. They are taking away our god given right to live and they must be stopped. We must be ready. America must be ready for the day they try to take us done.
These attacks, though unwanted, have helped to aid and further develop who we are as a country. After those attacks, our attitude on terrorism changed. It used to be that we thought we were untouchable, that no one could mess with us or even stand up to us. We had defaulted and they had taken us down but this was the dawn a momentous change in the United States. This new America took measures to protect its citizens by having people be scanned and patted down before going on planes, surveillance becoming tighter and stricter, and deportations being at an all-time