That's Not All Strategy Essay

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The first strategy used is the use of an expert with an important title (Goldstein, Martin, and Cialdini, 2008). By mentioning Dr. Jeremy Spiegel, I give the reader further insight that shows that the organization is not just a group of students trying to add a line on their résumé, but students trying to help the community that they are a part of. By bringing in an expert, there is heavier sense that this lack of interpersonal communication is not something that should be quickly ignored as it has grasped the attention of someone who studies the human brain and interaction for a living. Following is the “That’s Not All Strategy” (Goldstein et al., 2008) in the second paragraph. I begin by listing benefits that the prospective member will receive …show more content…

By seeing that there are others, despite the amount, the reader may feel that they should also be doing the same as their fellow students. The following strategy is the “labeling technique” (Goldstein et al., 2008). Here I tell the reader that they will be “a great fit” for the organization because as UT students, they have the potential to be future leaders. I follow by pushing the reader to fulfill these expectations by becoming a leader within the organization itself or by joining the organization’s agenda that could serve as a model and inspiration for other universities’ Wi-Fi policies. I continue by limiting the number of members to make the spots seem more desirable (Goldstein et al., 2008). I explain how only a limited number of members are accepted because an exclusive group is able to work more efficient. The reader is to feel more inclined to join because there are not enough spaces for anyone who wants to be a member. In addition, I also added that there would be a deadline for the application to add to the idea that this is a limited time offer. In order to be a part of this organization, the prospective member would have to put more effort into actually getting an interview offer and then getting accepted to the few positions