The Baroque Period

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Baroque period is time in the history of Western arts at around the 17th century. Early manifestations occurred in the final decades of the 16th century in Italy (Durant et al. 67). In some regions like Germany and colonial South America, the accomplishments were felt in the 18th century. This epoch was highly punctuated by artistic style which fused inflated motion and simple detail to generate drama, tension, enthusiasm and magnificence in painting, architecture, dance, music, sculpture, and literature. The style dates back to around 1600 in Rome Italy before finally diffusing to other parts of Europe.
The Catholic Church played a very prominent role in popularizing the Baroque style. During the Council of Trench, the Catholic Church in …show more content…

There was a great interest in nature and overall expansion of human intellectual horizon, sparked by the developments in science and massive explorations around the globe. This generated a new sense of human irrelevance supported by the Copernican dislodgement of the Earth from the center of the universe and of the unsuspected sophistication and infinite nature of the natural world. This was well illustrated in the 17th century landscaping drawing which constantly captured humans as miniature figures in a cosmic natural setting.
The science and technology that we know today traces its infancy origins to the Baroque era. The invention of machines and deep knowledge on how to operate them was first developed in the baroque, which commenced officially in the 17th century and lasted to the early 18th century. It was during the Baroque that minds and imaginations were opened to new vast worlds of philosophy and scientific knowledge. The breathtaking artistic work and the new changed thinking served as an inspiration to the flamboyant concepts of scientific knowledge we have …show more content…

He created a three-powered spyglass in July 1609, and then later created an eight-powered instrument which he presented to the Senate of Venice in August 1609 and later constructed a twenty-powered instrument in October which he used to observe the heavens. He observed the satellites of Jupiter, the moon and a stunning pattern of shiny objects which were the stars. In 1610, he published a book entitled “Sidereus Nuncius” which compiled all his new discoveries through observation via the telescope. His observations opened a Pandora’s Box that ordinary observers could actually view things that great thinker like Aristotle had not dreamt of, which triggered further researches in the field of astronomy. It shifted authority in the observation of nature from men to