The Benefits Of Attending College

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Although there are some difficult tasks, college helps students grow intellectual mind, train skills and connect the community. The postsecondary education develops potential abilities of students to approach their purposes. Murray says that a general goal for every young people that expresses educational success (253). It means that students reach their goal when they attain adequately education, and college is a ideal place that students can gain knowledge and develop skills. Owen and Sawhill also state, “additional education improves overal wellbeing by affecting things like job satisfaction, health, marriage, parenting, trust, and social interaction” (210). A comprehensive view of college helps us define many valuable achievements. In other words, the authors imply that college prepares students to advance high standards for their life. Moreover, college is also a great environment for students to connect and have more many relationships with others. Therefore, college is a helpful …show more content…

College has many benefits and advantages in preparing for jobs and raising earnings, and going to college considers a good investment. College helps students satify the requirements of their jobs after college; furthermore, there is a advance in improving the quality life. Hrabowski presents, “colleges prepare people for jobs, but more critically, they prepare people for life” (260). Attending college is the first step for students to achieve their goal, and the next steps college get ready good prospects for students. Students who acquire a B.A degrees have a better income than high school diploma. As an illustration, Owen and Sawhill state, “For a young person with a mechanical enginerring degree, the expected earnings of the college graduate is a staggering $35,000 more than that of a