The Book Of Genesis

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Every story, every history, every religion must start somewhere. For the Bible and Christianity, the book of Genesis is the beginning. It is part of the Pentateuch, a book about the history of how all came to be. Chapters one and two tell the tale of Creation. God was there in the beginning, and He created light, making night and day. Over six days, God created the heavens and earth, land and seas, the sun, moon, stars, sea creatures, birds, land animals, and the first humans – Adam and Eve. Adam was created in God’s image, made to rule over the rest of creation, but Adam needed a helper, so God put Adam in a deep sleep, removed a rib from him, and created Eve from Adam. On the seventh day, God rested and saw that all of His creation was good.
Genesis one and two offer a foundation to the rest of the Bible. The reason why the rest of the events in the bible occur is because humanity ruined God’s masterpiece. Moses lead the Israelites out of slavery, David became king, and Jesus came to restore God’s plan of perfection. …show more content…

God saw all of His creation as ‘good’. There was no sin or imperfection; humanity had a personal relationship with God. Today, we can look back at Genesis 1 and 2 and see what we are striving to get back to. All was good before sin entered the world and because of Jesus’ sacrifice and the grace of God, it can be good once again. It means that I have the hope of living in paradise with Jesus. Another aspect of this text that is important to me, is the inclusion of the Garden of Eden. My parents named me after the garden, as my name is Eden. Because of the familiarity most people have with the creation story, people assume I am religious after learning my name. They are not wrong, but they may view me differently because of

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