
The Children'sâ€tms Act

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Childrens Act 2004
The Childrenâ€TMs Act was put together to ensure that all organisations involved with children should work together to ensure the children have the correct support needed.
The vision was to create a joined-up system of health, family support, childcare and education services so that all children get the best start possible. Through the range of measures brought in under the Every Child Matters, organisations providing services to children, such as schools, hospitals and the police, work together and share information, so that all children have the support they need to • stay safe • be healthy • enjoy and achieve • Achieve economic well being • Make a positive contribution.
The Childrenâ€TMs Act 2004 has five main …show more content…

Under this new law disabled children in higher education are now covered in this Act. Within this act children are able to attend mainstream school and each school must not treat any child with a disability any different to other children. Schools must make adjustments for children with specific needs to join in. They should plan and organise their school so that every child receives challenging and enjoyable learning and develop their individual needs. The local education authority needs to provide support to the child and their family. If a child is not progressing well a Statutory Assessment can be requested through the LEA.
Data protection Act 1998.
The SENCO may have access to sensitive and confidential information regarding a child in their care, so schools need to comply with this law and follow the eight principles of good practice. Data must be: • Fairly and lawfully processed. • Processed for limited purposes. • Information should be adequate for what it is going to be used for, relevant and not excessive. • Information must be accurate. • Information not to be kept longer than necessary. • Processed in accordance with the data subjects rights. • Secure. • Not transferable to others without permission and adequate …show more content…

Governments are then obliged to take all necessary steps to ensure that the minimum standards set by the Convention in these areas are being met. Some of the rights are included below: • The right to play. • The right to survival and development. • The right to be safe. • The right to speak up and have your opinions listened to and their views respected. • Every child needs to be registered after birth. The right to a name, nationality, freedom of expression and access to information concerning them. • The right to education, leisure, culture. • To be healthy. • The right to be educated. • Children have the right to live life free from discrimination.
Question: Question 1b
Answer: All children have the right to access all the opportunities which are on offer in the school. All schools have a duty to make sure all pupils have equal access to the curriculum no matter what their background is. The Every Child Matters framework has made this so important. Every child has a right to all the available skills and opportunities that will enable them to make good life choices, to be able to support themselves and the needs of others and to be able to achieve much more than they ever thought

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