The Colosseum Thesis Statement

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The Roman Coliseum
Jennabee Harris

Thesis Statement
By looking at the Roman Coliseum, one can see that it was a great way to keep its citizens happy, which is important because if the king didn't have any citizens he wouldn?t have power.

What was The Colosseum used for?

Who and Why
Emperor Titus had the idea of building The Colosseum, and he did. He believed that if he put fun shows and fights for his people to watch then they would be more happy and wouldn?t want leave.

The king and his important visitors would get to sit the closest to the gladiator games.
They all got their own special little ?box? to sit in, with a little roof above them to cover the sun.

Below The Colosseum were many rooms …show more content…

State Standards: Economics\Money\ Decision

? 2.1
? 2.1
? 2.1.1
? 2.3
? 2.4
? 2.4.1

I think that I hit these standards because I read how the king wanted to build The Colosseum and how it needed lots of animals and gladiator fights.

State Standards: Geography
? 3.1
? 3.1.1
? 3.2
? 3.2.2
? 3.2.3
? 3.3
? 3.3.1

I think that I got these standards because In read and learned about how they used animals and that they were limited, and I also used a map.

State Standards: History
? 4.1
? 4.1.2
? 4.2
? 4.2.1
? 4.2.2
? 4.2.3
? 4.3
? 4.3.1
? 4.4
? 4.4.1

I think that I met these standards because I used a timeline, and I learned how the colosseum contributed to today's world in many different ways Including that we now today have many colosseums and because of how they built their colosseum we get ideas how to build ours.

?Fun Facts for Kids on Animals, Earth, History and More!? DK Find Out!,

?10 Facts About The Colosseum!? National Geographic Kids, 18 Oct.

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