
The Controversy Of Homosexuality

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Homosexuality is a controversial topic that Christians have debated for years. Christians on one side of the argument believe that the New Testament does not define homosexuality as a sin and that people should be allowed to love who they want in any way they want to. On the contrary, many Christians believe that the Bible clearly defines homosexuality as a sin and that Christians should abstain from same-gender sexual activity. In Romans 1:26-27, Paul reaffirms the Old Testament position that homosexuality is unnatural and goes against God’s law and His plan for humanity.
Paul begins this section of Romans by discussing idolatry and the fact that people have replaced God. The idolatry mentioned in this passage goes from the substitution of …show more content…

Homosexuality “represents a breakdown in the relationship between God and humanity, and humanity with one another.” It is a direct result of sin and it not only reflects, but also magnifies our flawed society, broken relationships, crooked nature and confused sexuality in general. Homosexuality is an ungodly, unnatural and incorrect view of sexuality. God designed sex to be “one of the most beautiful and meaningful parts of marriage”, however, ancient and modern paganism “has degraded [sex] into the most sordid of sin its illicit and unnatural expression.”
Romans 1:26-27 is not simply singling out homosexuality as the worst type of sin. Instead, Paul is using homosexuality as an example to describe the corruption of humanity. Homosexuality is a result of the Fall and although homosexuality may not be a worse sin than anything else, it is used in Romans to represent “the clearest expression of depths of our …show more content…

However, the New Testament does not contradict the Old Testament principles but rather reaffirms them. Besides Romans, several other passages in the New Testament clearly condemn homosexual acts and nothing in the New Testament affirms homosexuality. In 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Paul calls those who engage in homosexual activity “wrongdoers” who “will not inherit the kingdom of God”. In addition, 1 Timothy 1:9-10 describes those practicing homosexuality as “ungodly and sinful”, and “unholy and irreligious”. In fact, noting in the scriptures ever condones any type of sex outside of a marriage that is between one man and one

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