The Controversy Over The Use Of Virtual Rape In Video Games

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In my opinion yeah it should be allowed but it's not right.Since their already violence and other activities going on in video games which is not right,why not virtual rape. With technology nowadays as increase the ability to do many things in video games that seems to be real but it's not. virtual rape is not right in general but also killing,shooting,and stabbing and other violence is not right as well. The word rape seems to bother people because it is a big deal in the real world,as well as murder and other violence but women have made society think rape is the biggest evil thing you can do to a person. Which it all depends on the person point of view in how they see things, but on a video game why should it? It could bother people but …show more content…

Kids don't know any better and they might think its right to do and might hurt someone in real life. Their brain is not well develop at a young age. Its a really bad example to show kids these type of action in general ANY bad action.It just show how the world is full with alot of violence people, but children like to play those type of video games because they thinks its fun to kill someone or rape someone. To solve this problem if someone doesnt like being rape in the video game, they should just stop playing it and play other games.As it says in the artitlc (is virtual rape a crime) its easly escaped simply by logging off or flipping the power switch. I suppose for people that are sick in their mind like seeing virtual rape and enjoy it and it makes them happy.It should be allowed for them to experess their feeling toward a video people with angry take it out in a video