The Crucible Monologue Essay

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This monologue will take place towards the end of Act 4 before John gets hung and he’s reflecting upon his actions. The themes that will be highlighted throughout the monologue include corruption, reputation and guilt. (Shakes head in disappointment with hand on head while seated) What has the world come to! Salem, is now just a town filled with evil and corruption so thick you can feel it in the very air! People cannot even say or do anything without someone yelling witch. Morality has been reversed, now the evil are being saved and good Christian people are dying all in the name of God! How can the court be so blinded? Especially by Abigail Williams. Falling for her false accusations when she is the real witch! She led the town by the nose …show more content…

But tell why should I give them my life? I did nothing for the cause of witchery. The only way I can be spared is if I give them what they want. A lie! (Stomps foot on the ground angrily) Nay! I will not have it! What about my name? I cannot live in shame of a lie! I am an innocent man. What of my children? My wife? My poor wife, living a life wed to a spineless liar? A man condemned of witchery? No woman in Salem has a heart as pure as Elizabeth. She deserves better. And my children? What father could seek respect with a name as black as this night’s sky? My family deserve better than that. Now my reputation shall be scattered to the wind all in the name of doing right. What hurts my heart most however, is that it was my unfaithfulness that started it all. My heart burns with hatred and shame all because of that witch, Abigail. I fell in the trap of that deceitful whore’s bed of lechery. Nothing runs through her veins but jealousy and spite. Aye I sinned indeed and The Lord himself knows I did. He knows how black my sins are. Never does a day pass that I do not wish I could take it all back. All I want is to be a good and honest man when I die. But how can I if no good is going to come out whether I confess or