The Epidemic Of Stress Essay

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Stress as an epidemic can be defined as “...a physical, chemical, or emotional development that causes strains that can lead to physical illness,” (“Stress” 1). Prolonged exposure to stress drains the body’s energy supply, and can also lead to death. Stress is a factor in almost everyone’s life, and causes “...High blood pressure...gastrointestinal disorders...many skin disorders...and avoidance of thoughts ,”(“Stress”, 1). Stress is a very difficult condition to alleviate sometimes, stress can reduce one’s mental ability to that of a small child. As well as, worsen difficulties presented in daily functions. Sometimes stress can be caused by not getting enough sleep “...people who sleep just six hours a night...double the...stress…as those …show more content…

Stress like anything else has ups and downs. Stress can cause headaches, stomach pain, or high blood pressure. However, in normal doses stress can improve performance. Stress is a worldwide epidemic, and it can be good or bad. However, if people get the wrong idea about good stress, then that could lead to more heart or brain disease: “...diseases brought on or worsened by...stress,” (“Stress Related Disorders” 1p). If this happens the mortality rate caused by stress may increase. Good stress could also create bad stress. Good stress can “...improve performance…” (Kotz, p54). However if that improvement stops, who is to say the one who has improved will not stress about the stop of improvement.
Statistics show that in America the last 10 years, “...52% of Americans identified...a source of stress,” (Time, Vol. 189 Iss ⅞ 5p.). Which means there are 48% of Americans who could be stressed out and not admitting it. Worldwide statistics show, “...stress may be compounded by other factors such as acculturation or immigration,” (Singh, Bhayana, 13p). Which means immigration or acculturation are one of the main causes of stress in the world. Stress has three stages, “...the first stage, alarm,...second stage, resistance,...the third stage, exhaustion,” (‘Stress” 1). This is the usual trend stress