Do Social Support Networks Help Individuals To Cope With Stress Essay

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2.) Were you surprised to read about the effects that stress can have on health? Do you think that people in general are not aware of the greater effect stress has on their health?
Some of the effects that stress has on the body surprised me. I was unaware that stress could be a positive aspect of the human body. However, now that I think about it, stress does help one focus more on an upcoming test or task at work. I was also unaware that caffeine could mimic stress responses. Lastly, I was unaware that chronic stress alone could cause heart diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and type II diabetes (Brehm, 2014). In my opinion, I believe that most people in the United States are aware that stress is unhealthy for them, even if they do not know the specifics, however, most may not necessarily care at the moment since they do not pay much mind to it.
3.) Do social support networks help individuals to cope with stress or not? Does it depend on the person or the circumstance? …show more content…

Talking about something no matter what it may be, helps get it off the chest rather than letting it bottle up inside. Whether I have been stressed over work, school, and even bills, I find that talking to my wife helps relieve a lot of my stress. The same way I talked to my mom when my grandmother passed away. In my opinion, I believe that the circumstance and individual dictates who we should express our stress too. I do not believe in holding stress in during any situation, but I believe certain stressors were meant to share with certain

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