The Gender Pay Gap And The Matildas Versus The Socceroos

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The Gender Pay Gap and the Matildas vs the Socceroos

Women are underrepresented in leadership roles, with men occupying 81% of CEO positions in Australia's top 200 companies. (Chief Executive Women) Hi, my name is Alana and I am here to talk about discrimination and the gender pay gap in sports. I want to talk to you about this topic because discrimination is a pervasive social problem that affects many individuals and groups around the world. Discrimination can take many forms, including racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, ageism, and religious discrimination, among others. I will be talking about the article matildas vs Socceroos and the gender pay gap that the matildas have to endure and the power imbalance. I will also be addressing the …show more content…

Kate talks about how Despite the Matildas achieving greater success than the Socceroos in recent years, the male players earn significantly more than their female counterparts. the Matildas earn as little as 40% of the salary of the Socceroos. Kate also highlights the inequality in prize money awarded to the teams, with the men's team receiving a higher share despite the women's team having more success. The article argues that the gender pay gap in soccer is reflective of wider issues of gender inequality in society, and calls for greater action to address the issue. I researched why male soccer players are paid more than women and I found 5 arguments. 1 being revenue generation which is saying the men get more seats than women, and 2 being sponsorship and endorsements. 3 being historical factors 4 is media coverage and 5 is the negotiation of power. None of those explanations are fair especially the historical factors because if we did everything like the people living in the past, where would our future be? Therefore Kate's article outlines that despite the matilda's results being far more outstanding than the Socceroos they are still paid less with fewer sponsors, seats, and media …show more content…

Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth) - This Act aims to promote equal opportunity for women in the workplace by requiring certain employers to develop and implement affirmative action programs. Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) - This Act provides for minimum standards of employment, including equal pay for work of equal value, and protection against unfair dismissal. Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth) - This Act requires certain employers to report on their gender equality indicators, including gender composition of their workforce, equal pay, and availability of flexible working arrangements. These are just Some laws in Australia that were designed to stop workplace harassment and discrimination. They were only introduced to Australia in 1999. And I far as I can tell these laws have done little to nothing to help prevent discrimination in the

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