The Great Gatsby Comparative Essay

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Drawing From the Past: A Look Into the Similarities Between the Characters of The Great Gatsby and (500) Days of Summer (500) Days of Summer is a tumultuous film about the ups and downs of a relationship and the eventual realization that some things are just not meant to be. With iconic characters such as Summer, the floozy love interest, and Tom, the relatable protagonist. It draws many similarities to The Great Gatsby. This novel follows the protagonist, Nick Carraway, as he travels through New York and follows the rich and famous people of the city. Through his travels, he meets Jay Gatsby, the famous millionaire who moves there for his long-lost love, Daisy. In the film, (500) Days of Summer by Marc Webb, the characters are similar to those of the novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald: the manic pixie dream girl trope, the male protagonist who needs the development from the female protagonist, and the witty male best friend of the protagonist— which stands as a testament to the nature of Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby as a timeless classic. …show more content…

Eryca Worthen, a San Diego State University researcher, defines the manic pixie dream girl as “men usually use the trope to describe a girl who is ‘different’ and ‘not like other girls.’ This girl tends to be defined as ‘quirky,’ and she gives a greater life purpose to the male protagonist.” In (500) Days of Summer, this troupe is present in the character of Summer, a wild and carefree woman with unique taste. She is shown through the eyes of the protagonist,