
The Great Gatsby Daisy

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The book I chose was The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This book is a 1925 novel about a young poor man, Gatsby, who fell in love with a rich women, Daisy. In the 1920’s it is believed that the rich and the poor should be separated and treated differently (source B). However, Gatsby was poor and he was not able to marry Daisy. Gatsby was deployed to fight in the World War 1. He disappeared for 5 years and within those 5 years Daisy lost hope on Gatsby so she married a rich man named Tom. Tom is a wealthy, smart, and athletic man. He is well-known as a tough guy and a polo player in the town. Tom also have an affair with a lower class women name Myrtle. Myrtle is married with George Wilson, a garage owner. Myrtle loves having an affair …show more content…

However, this time Gatsby became filthy rich by selling illegal alcohol. He then use this money to buy a mansion across Daisy’s house. Gatsby host big parties in his mansion hoping Daisy would come. However, until this day Daisy does not know that Gatsby is back and that he lives across her house. Gatsby was desperate to see Daisy so he ask his neighbor, Nick, for help which happens to be Daisy’s cousin if he can take Daisy to Gatsby’s house. Gatsby and Daisy finally met each other with the help of Nick and quickly fall in love all over again. Gatsby wants to marry Daisy as soon as possible. However, Daisy is already married to Tom and the only way she could leave is to tell Tom, her husband, that she never loved him and that her heart belongs to Gatsby. Gatsby beg Daisy to end her relationship with Tom but Daisy was blinded because Tom had given her so many valuable memories that she really loves. Gatsby was demolished and heartbroken because he had done all this sacrifices and hard work for nothing. At the end of the novel Gatsby and Daisy was driving back to the town recklessly. At the wayback Daisy accidentally ran Myrtle over and instantly killing …show more content…

This novel shows how the “American Dream” is about having fun, being rich, living life with no worries, and having whatever you wish for (source A). In this novel it shows how Gatsby got rich through selling illegal alcohol and reaching his dreams to be rich and live the “American Dream”. This influence people to sell or participate in illegal stuff in order to be rich and live the life. Until this day, people still believe that the “American Dream” is about being rich and living the life with no worries. People still believe this because people live up to these standards not knowing that it is just made up. This novel also shows all the up and downs of the United States by using Gatsby’s life. For example, when Gatsby became rich it represents the greatest peak of the United States and when Gatsby died it represented the lowest peak of the United States

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