
The Great Writing Process Essay

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Many students will settle for “good enough” writing, yet good enough doesn’t always give them the “A” or “B” grade they aimed to get (Bloom 71). The process of writing well takes much time, effort and critical thinking. The time given to students is extremely valuable in the process of composing a well written paper. The student must put forth their best effort every chance while writing and revising the paper as well as mastering their critical thinking skills.
From reading the article, The Great Conversation, the process of a good writing takes a considerable amount of time. From days to possibly months at a time for one writing (Nelson 283). Students must use their time wisely to increase their writing abilities in the given time. Students who actually take the time to research thoroughly will have a better understanding and will essentially write a more concise paper. “My thoughts were still just a jumbled mass, and now, I had three times as much information and my rough draft was due in five days, not seven” (Nelson 290). The time you are given to write should be used to the full extent and the student should take advantage of that time. …show more content…

How much a student puts in is how much the student will get out, in this case, potentially a poor grade. College teachers look for emotion and passion within writings and from that they determine the amount of effort actually put into the paper (Bloom 74). It is very worthy to put as much effort in as possible into the entire assignment as a whole. Students who lack effort result in a poor understanding and overall will result in a lack of quality. “At first, I just threw out random quotes and information” (Nelson 290). Throwing in random quotes and information is not a good way of putting in effort. It can show laziness and not a good understanding of what is being written

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