
What Is The Idea That College Writing Founders Should Do, By Patricia Bizzell

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College is a place where students learn and develop critical thinking skills. Patricia Bizzell, a well-known scholar, argues that many students struggle with writing because they do not know how to think like academics. She believes it is the job of college writing professors to teach students this type of thinking. This essay will explore Bizzell’s argument, discuss what college writing instructors should do, and provide personal examples to support the idea that teaching academic thinking is important. We will also look at some counterarguments and respond to them. The main goal of college education is to help students grow and prepare them for successful careers and responsible citizenship. This involves gaining specialized knowledge and …show more content…

Bizzell’s view can be linked to social constructionism, which suggests that knowledge is created through social interactions and cultural practices. In academic writing, this means that students need to learn the rules and strategies used in academic communities. Writing instructors help students understand and use these rules, making them part of the academic conversation. College writing instructors should teach students how to think academically because it is crucial for their intellectual and professional growth. Being able to engage with texts, create strong arguments, and communicate effectively is essential for success in college and beyond. By focusing on these skills, writing instructors fulfill an important educational role. In my first year of college, I found writing assignments that required deep analysis and critical thinking very challenging. My writing instructor showed me how to read texts closely and write analytically, emphasizing the importance of questioning assumptions and supporting my arguments with evidence. This approach changed how I write and helped me understand academic writing

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