The Greatest Accomplishments Of Harriet Tubman's Life

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Although Harriet Tubman’s exact birthdate is unknown, we know that she accomplished incredible feats during her 90 or 91-year-old lifetime. Tubman was a fierce conductor of the Underground Railroad, she freed hundreds of slaves (1850-1860) and nursed black soldiers back into good health when no one else would (1865). Even in her retirement, Tubman took care of the uncared-for. After studying some of her many achievements, it can be concluded that Harriet Tubman’s greatest accomplishment was her freeing of enslaved black people. Harriet not only lived a life of saving slaves, but her accomplishments also varied from there. Document E says Harriet took care of,” The aged,... the babe deserted, the epileptic, the blind, the paralyzed…” (Emma Telford). One …show more content…

Document D tells us, “Harriet) worked, day after day, till late at night…she would provide her support for another day; for this woman never received pay…”(Sarah Bradford). Harriet Tubman lived a life full of talents, those talents in which she used to better the people and contributed to her greatest achievement of her time. Helping slaves gain and keep their freedom was Harriet Tubman’s greatest achievement. One reason why this was her greatest achievement was because she saved 800 slaves along side the Union Army. This is supported by evidence from Document C, “We got 800 hundred people that day, and we tore up the railroad and fired the bridge…” This does in fact show that Tubman’s greatest accomplishment was freeing slaves because 800 hundred is a huge number. Compared to her other rescues of slaves, this was her greatest number saved in one day! Plus, it is safe to assume that saving that many people at once wasn’t a regular occurrence. Another reason why Tumban’s success in saving