The Road From Crime: Life After Prison

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Resettlement has been an important element in prison life throughout England and Wales for many years. It is when “prisoners and their families receive assistance and support from the prison and probation services and voluntary agencies to help them prepare for life after prison” (Justice, 2002). The objective is to hopefully lead prisoners towards recidivism, which will hopefully return ex-offenders to normal life, employment and housing. Criminological and social research done by Social Exclusion Unit (SEU) identified the following factors to be what influenced reoffending. These are; education, employment, drug and alcohol misuse, mental and physical health, housing, financial support, debt and family networks. The aim of this essay is to …show more content…

The objective of making this documentary was to share knowledge and improve understanding about why people desist from offending. As a child, Alan’s father was violent towards his mother so he learned that it brings a sense of power and control, therefore he decided to join a gang with the aim of wanting to be known for exactly that. Although, he stated that there was not anything positive about his prison experience, he still learn through the rehabilitation process how to break into cars , dismantle shop alarms and was involved in prison gangs. Going back to prison having overcome the chance to re-offend showed him how much prison life has changed since he last was sentenced. Toni a young prisoner is one of the two people that catches the viewer’s attention, he is there on his fourth prison sentenced which made him open his eyes. When interviewed by Alan, Toni stated that he is at a point in his life where he is getting older and wants to make a change. However, he is not aware that resettlement mostly makes an impact on the prisoner while in sentencing, once being released prisoners …show more content…

Engaging in counselling service during prison sentence can help men improve their parenting skills as well as aiming towards those offenders that will not seek counselling help outside of prison. Unfortunately “the high demands of relationship guidance and counselling there is still insufficient counselling provision in prison in England and Wales” (HM Inspectorate of prison, 2007). In 2008, the Lloyds TSB foundation gave funding to HMP ford which allowed experienced counselling service from Brighton and many other serviced to help the prisoners developed stronger and healthier relationships. For most of the prisoners leaving prison has a negative aspect to it because it can mean that they will be back to being homeless. Not having a house plus being excluded from society that lead that person into committing more crimes that imprisonment can end up being a regular routine and a better and safe place for them to be a part of. Losing a house during a prison sentence can lead to more problems like accessing children in care, health services and

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