Academic Integrity

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Academic integrity is the foundation of the university to success, which means honesty, fairness, trust, and responsibility, in other words is the moral or ethical. This includes cheating or plagiarism as evidence in values (Robert 2012). Every person in a community has the obligation that promotes academic integrity, prevent dishonesty, and punish offenses when they occur to support practices. Academic excellence depends on these values. In scholarship, the rules of honesty must be obeyed by the students and faculty, thus indicating that all efforts of an individual should refer to the academic work. Academic assignments are to help students learn and grade exist to show how fully the target is achieved. Therefore student’s own effort and …show more content…

A word of education is built through complicated minds doing honest intellectual work, but depends on it is constructed of the integrity of enduring value. By analogy, the structure of builder’s work as solid as the integrity of our home. The foundation of our society as well as an individual’s education is considered dishonest intellectual work cheating. By learning, we will know how the original ideas unfold, work freely, quote sources, and the results of an accurate reports are the advantages and can take students beyond their academic careers (Gregory 2012). Academic dishonesty in college students not only lowering the learning experiences, but it can lead to failure in the course or even students can be expelled from the university. Communities on the academic expect all their members to author original and authentic work. Learning and involve both individual and corporate effort, like any significant endeavor. The creation of knowledge would require an intellectual dialogue about the community. Recognising the special role of the contributor's own work is a fundamental academic …show more content…

The two main ideas are the classroom and the campus environment. In the classroom, we must increased the use and exam essay questions. Research shows that there is only one deterrent that can be used for cheating on tests that are continuously effective for report essay. Also, we need to sit down random for inspection, because students usually always sit near their friends or be friendly with the people around them during the test, which allows students to sit where they want, can increase the possibility for copying answers. The last one is widely spaced seating during exams. Research shows that, if students believe to others who commit fraud, they will be more likely to do the same. One study found that students with a strong mentality more possible to cheat when the opportunity and the temptation arises. by separating the test taker will be useful to minimize the possibility of doing