Since it would be extremely difficult to run 400m all out from start to finish, the best runner should have the ability to use his speed and energies the best way possible, over the total distance. Most aerobic workouts/trainings are usually called “steady state”. The reason is because, during them, the body’s energy requirements are balanced by energy supply, which allows the athletes to exercise at a certain pace. Once the steady state is over, by increasing the level of training and using more energy, the body will change the way it produces energy. Whenever this event occurs, the body will use with less oxygen and the energy will be produced anaerobically. Regardless the sport or its specific energy system demands, aerobic energy is the foundation of fitness. With a good foundation, a sprinter (who depends a lot on the immediate anaerobic system) to recover faster between training sessions or a football mid-fielder to sustain the high energy requirement over a game (even though football mainly depends more on the short-term anaerobic energy system). The intermediate anaerobic energy system occurs once the body generates energy through the anaerobic system, no reliance is placed on oxygen. This means, it supplies energy for no more than 6-8 seconds. In order to have its power it uses the energy stored in the body, like adenosine troposphere …show more content…
In order to improve the 400m times, the runner needs to increase the maximum speed so that the middle and later stages of the race can be run at a lower percentage of max speed, or on speed reserve. By performing this, a runner can maintain the speed longer during those stages of the race. Because of this method of training, the 400m sprinters cannot depend on their anaerobic system alone the way shorter sprinters tend to do. In other words, the 400m sprinters do need good aerobic capacity, even though they may not use it for very