The Importance Of Barriers To Learning

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Barriers to learning are things that make learning difficult. There are many different kinds of barriers that are present in schools as well other learning environments such as ABET. When it comes to learning environments there are two forms such as internal barriers of the learners
(these the learner faces inside) and external ones. Since there are many barriers in learning I shall only discuss four that I feel are common barriers in ABET, such as: x Social and Economic barriers x Barriers caused by education institutions x Physiological barriers x Barriers caused by attitudes, beliefs and perceptions
Social and Economic barriers:
Effective learning is influenced by the availability of educational resources to meet the needs of any society. In most rural communities however there aren’t enough learning centres or any other learning facilities to meet educational needs as they are so poverty-stricken. Since the facilities aren’t always suitable for large classes and can have inadequately trained staff and inadequate teaching and learning resources. Poverty is linked to unemployment, fewer opportunities, disabilities and so much more.
The way to overcome the above mentioned barrier is to get the community to help raise funds to buy equipment for the learning centre and children. Donations could be collected from shops in the community. Another way to help with the poverty in the community is to hold a sustainable project like growing a vegetable garden and then selling the