The Importance Of Complexity Leadership

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Due to the nature of servant leaders, Tthere has been a growing interest in servant leadership (Hunter, Neubert, Perry, Witt, Penny, & Weinberger et al., 2013). Moreover, theThe first researcher to conduct an empirical study in this area, utilized a sample of 298 employees who worked in a chain of grocery stores in the United States of America to test the relationship between servant leaders and organizational corporate behavior (OCB) (Ehrhart, 2004). Consequently, tThis research found a correlation between OCB and servant leaders with procedural justice climate being a mediator (Ehrhart, 2004). Thus, theThe results suggested that when a leader displayed a high level of integrity, this increased employee trust and commitment, which improved …show more content…

Researchers agree that 21st-century organizations operate in a complex and competitive environment motivated by globalization and technological advancement (Hitt, 1998). However, there are hardly any leadership models focusing on the information or technological era (Hazy & Uhl-Bien, 2012; Uhl-Bien, Marion, & McKelvey, 2007). Thus, aA new paradigm of organizational leadership, that is, complexity leadership , has developed which challenges the idea that a leader’s primary focus is command and control (Uhl-Bien & Marion, 2012). Moreover, complexityComplexity leadership focuses on finding and exploring strategies and behaviors that create organizational and sub-unit creativity, learning, and adaptability (Hazy & Uhl-Bien, 2012). It also addresses increasing costs, poor quality, and complications in an organization (Uhl-Bien & Marion, …show more content…

However, there are a few studies that have indicated the benefits of its use mainly in the healthcare and public sector areas (Bovaird, 2008). For instance, a study conducted by Hanson and Ford (2010) found that leaders in a hospital laboratory were the frontline workers and customer service representatives, as opposed to the formal director and administrators. For this reason, Duedue to the role customer service representatives and frontline workers play in the laboratory setting in the information flow process, they are very influential (Hanson & Ford, 2010). Above all, theThe results of this study tie back to research by Goldstein et al. (2010), reinforcing the point that leadership is not a person taking charge or being in charge but rather practical actions, relationships, and