The Importance Of Consultation And Collaboration

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Consultation and Collaboration According to Merriam-Websetr dictionary consultation is talking to someone about a problem, whereas collaboration is working with a person or group to achieve something or to work with others to achieve a goal or outcome (2015). Collaboration is key to creating and maintain a comprehensive school counseling program. Collaboration is working together with those involved in the student’s educations such as school counselors, teachers, administrators, parents/guardian, and community agencies. All of these people and groups work together to solve problems and close achievement and access gaps. On the other hand consultation is where the counselor or a teacher talks to another person about a problem or how to appropriately …show more content…

When people collaborate with one another, they are working together to solve a program or create a program, whereas with consulting one person is providing a problem and the other is giving an answer. Both collaboration and consultation a vital aspects of a school counseling program, they use people in the school and community agencies outside of the school to help with problems, issues, and creating programs that are beneficial to the school environment. Collaborating with student’s family can help provide additional support in the school and also when at home. Community agencies can provide additional programs in the school, but are available for referrals for students who may require extra support, or for families who need extra services. Community agencies provide community based programs for children and teens, as well as mental health services, behavioral management, medication management, and in home services. Having teachers and administrators involved in the program provides the school counselors with additional support. Teachers are necessary for classroom guidance lessons. It’s ideal to know what their students are studying so that we can blend the school counseling