How Does Conflict Occur In A Nation State Essay

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A nation-state is a group of people with a shared identity based on their shared experiences governed by a set of laws on an officially recognised piece of territory with clear borders. Diversity, which is the involvement of each and every person exhibiting more than one colour, national origin, religion, sexuality, etc, is present in among every individual, let alone nation-states. In this essay, I will be scoping conflict to violent conflict where military troops are involved in a civil war and diversity to ethnical diversity. Therefore, I will be exploring if ethnically diverse Nation-states can embrace its diversity and show respect for each other. (Heggertveit-Aoudia, 2011) The term “prevented” will be determined through whether conflict has taken place. I will be zooming in on two countries, Singapore and Sri Lanka, which are among the top 100 most diverse nation states (Fearon, 2003). As long as there is diversity in a nation-state, conflict cannot be prevented. This means that different ethnic groups are unable to live together harmoniously without any violent conflict where military troops are involved in a civil war. The precondition is that the government of the nation-state lacks a strong political will to ensure that there is harmony between diversity groups. The reason why conflict cannot be prevented as long as there is diversity in a nation-state is due to the lack of equity and inclusiveness within a society. There is usually biases towards the majority