The Importance Of Employee Recognition

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Employees are the heart and soul of an organization. There are several effective methods that leadership can use in order to give the appropriate recognition to their employees. Employee recognition is not just a pat on the back or telling someone they did a good job. It is essentially a tool a manager can use in order to express what they want in an organization from their employees. It is a reward system that benefits the organization as a whole, as well as the employees working there. Employee recognition is a relevant research topic in regards to management and supervision. There is an overwhelming need for employees to have the proper recognition from their supervisors and managers. Many organizations in today’s world are successful or …show more content…

It all boils down to the quality of work and amount of employee engagement a supervisors wants in their organization. In order to have a successful business and an abundance amount of support from employees, supervisors need to know the effective methods of employee recognition. In order to know how to effectively give out employee recognition, the importance of the matter should be completely understood by any supervisor. Employee recognition could be seen as a motivation factor. When an employee is given proper recognition, they are motivated to get the current tasks done, as well as future projects. In order to understand the importance of employee recognition, it is necessary to think about what would happen if employees were not given the proper recognition they …show more content…

When a supervisor is recognizing an employee for a job well done, they are acknowledging the behaviors they want to see in their employees in the long run (Brick, 2012). It is important for a supervisor to set goals that they want their employees to follow and work towards. It is easy for a supervisor to acknowledge an employee if they know what type of behavior is good for the organization. A particular behavior that a supervisors should strive to see in their employees is the desire to go above and beyond what is expected from them. This simply could mean getting a task or project done earlier than expected. It could also mean that the supervisors is having a hard time coming up with a plan of attack for a problem in the workplace. When an employee takes it upon themselves to try and come up with a successful solution, the supervisor should obviously acknowledge this type of behavior. Employee recognition makes an employee want to work for an organization for much