Social Entrepreneur

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Humans are entrepreneurial by nature and had always desired to improve our material well-being, which drives us to in¬novate through new business implementations. Public policies such as laws can have a significant impact on the in¬centives for entrepreneurial activity despite the pervasive tendency toward entrepreneurship and economists often call these incentives the “rules of the game” and en¬trepreneurs must calculate the risks against the potential expenditure when making the decision to take on a new business. Entrepreneurs change the face of business while so¬cial entrepreneurs act as the change agents for the soci¬ety, seizing opportunities others miss and improving systems, inventing new approaches, and creating solu-tions to change …show more content…

The difference with social entrepreneurs is that they usually had an experience early in their life of feeling powerful, and that helped them activate their potential. The other thing is they also tend to have had some experience in their lives that was painful. This is also one of the reasons that they tend to have very strong feelings about injus¬tice. They also have people in their lives who are deeply ethical who are parents, perhaps anybody who impressed upon them the idea that to live a good life is not enough to go out there and make money or seek success in a purely materialistic …show more content…

In an observation, younger and even mature people are inclined towards social en¬trepreneurship knowingly or unknowingly because of harsh economic conflicts, unemployment, social and economic inequalities, desire to express one’s ideas and creativity and compulsions of overall circumstances.
To be a social entrepreneur, one should think, dream, analyze and must be creative too. But there is a difference between the social entrepreneurs and writers/philosophers/art¬ists, politicians and social leaders because a social entrepre¬neur can be leader (social & political), a performer and writer but vice versa cannot be always found.
“All change begins with immediate problems” which is why David encourages to start thinking like a social entrepre¬neur in your own community by asking yourself these