The Importance Of Kappas In Every Member Education

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MATERIALS 5 minutes I. Opening Introduce yourself and the objectives of today’s workshop. Make sure to give credit to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation for funding the development of workshops such as this. This workshop is made available through the Every Member Education. As you think about your Kappa experience, what comes to mind? Your pledging? Your initiation? The time you stayed up all night to build a Homecoming float? But, in moment of deeper reflection: Who are we? What do we have to offer?
• Why are we unique? When we talk about leadership, we identify the following: • Kappas are self-aware. • Kappas are self-assured. • Kappas are self-starters. • Kappas are self-directed. • Kappas …show more content…

Five Attributes of a Leader Share the Five Attributes of a Leader as found in The Leadership Guide. Also, pass out Handout 1, the Attribute Guide, which lists these five attributes. • Be willing to take risks. Not only in reaching toward opportunities, but in reaching out to people. • Be able to inspire and guide a group toward a shared vision. • Be able to empower others to participate and foster collaboration. • Be a role model. • Be encouraging by recognizing and celebrating. An example of the first attribute is taking a job in another city away from home or confronting your friend about her eating disorder and encouraging her to seek help. These leaders are taking risks and reaching out to new opportunities. An example of the second attribute is helping your alumnae association meet a community need or hosting a study group for your biology class. These leaders are inspiring and guiding a group toward a shared vision. The third attribute might be represented through rallying a group of friends to attend intramurals and support the team or encouraging a friend to apply for her dream job. The fourth attribute is demonstrated by choosing not to break the rules even though everyone else does. For instance, you don’t park in the handicap spot even though it is raining and it’s the closest to the store. Or, when a clerk makes a mistake and gives you $10 instead of $5, you speak up and call it to his or her attention. An example of the fifth attribute is