Importance Of One-On-One Mentoring

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Mentoring is the act of providing resources to encourage healthy and proper growth.

Mentoring can involve relationships ranging from a casual offer of advice up to an apprentice

relationship. Mentoring implicitly involves participation of both the mentor and the mentee.

Both should have realistic and well understood goals for timing and product of the

relationship. The ethics of one-on-one mentoring involves how the mentoring expectations

are formulated and performed.

Working in a mentoring atmosphere can be as important as the availability of one-on-one

help. Group leaders, from department …show more content…

Student: Yes, I have looked into similar work. I think it is a good problem. Do you think

there is a better problem for me to work on?

Professor: I’ll have to get back to you on that. Talk to you in a few weeks.

Student: (Muttering under breath) That’s what you said months ago.

The point to be established is whether or not the faculty member is serious about supervising

your thesis research. Opening a discussion of possible thesis topics is one way of assessing

the situation. Either the discussion will lead to a narrowing of thesis possibilities, or it will

become clear that no thesis will result. Either way you are ahead, because you will not have

Mentoring has received considerable coverage in recent decades and this is evident by the

proliferation of research and popular literature available to the reader. It has been hailed as an

important human resource management strategy, a career tool, and a workplace learning

activity for men, women and minority groups in a variety of organisational settings such as

hospitals, large corporations, schools, universities and government departments. In this paper

we review the literature on this ubiquitous yet elusive concept. We begin by exploring what …show more content…

In particular, we believe that

human resource managers must be aware that mentoring is not an organisational panacea.

There are concerns regarding the outcomes of mentoring, but it is our opinion that these can

be minimised by careful implementation planning. Mentoring is a complex and sensitive

organisational process and there is little doubt it can be a destructive force for organisations,

the mentors and the mentees. The simple implication of this paper is that organisations should

view mentoring as a potentially beneficial process that requires careful long term planning

and skilful human resource leadership. It is important to stress that there are many models of

mentoring and that implementing a professional or formal mentoring program does not imply

that procedures such as informal mentoring or peer mentoring should not be included in an

overall human resources policy. Carden (1990) sees mentoring as one of a variety of