Chapter 1
Team building preparation begins with an understanding of how people are capa- ble of performing a task individually.Explaining personal working style to the other
members of a team is the first step in preparing to become a member of a team.
An individual may be capable of performing one or more skilled tasks with some
expertise level.Successful collaboration requires creation of a system for the team to
deal with conflicts.We are calling this factor as trust.We are managing this factor by
the technique named as Collective Intelligence. This system depends on the rating
given by a employee to another employee for a particular task assigned and expertise
level of an employee for one or more skills.We are measuring
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1.1.1 Team Formation Problem
We can define the problem as :
Set of experts is to be find for a given particular task so that team formed can per- form the particular task collectively and effectively be covering required skills.Here
we have to identify a relevent set of experts for a given task and which is not practi- cally straightforward.There are basically two factors which participate in competence
of a team in an enterprise based network-
I) Knowledge competence
II) Collaboration competence
Formal definition of problem:
Given an expertise social network G, a set of experts X and a generalized task Tr
, the problem of team formation for the generalized task Tr is to find a subset of
experts X
1) for every required skill sm , the requisite number of experts ReqT r (sm ) are as- signed to the team;
2) all of the required skills in the given task should be accomplished by the team;
3) the collective intelligence index (CII) of the team, defined as the linear com- bination of the expertise score and trust-based collaboration score of the team, is
(where X0 ⊆X)forTr such that:
1.2 Collective Inelligence
Collective intelligence is group of individuals doing things collectively that seem
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Chapter 2
The Hypothesis
2.1 Input
We gathered an interaction log from an enterprise in which each expert rates other
experts who worked on same project in past years.
interaction log can be defined as a tuple:
{Ik , Ei
, SE i , Ej
whereIk is ineraction log index
Ei and Ej are employees of an enterprise
SE i and SE j are skills of Ei and Ej respectively
vij and vj i are ratings given by Ei to Ej and by Ej to Ei respectively for a task Tr
and θ days ago.
Another input will be number of experts required for each skill. for each skill
sm ⊆ S we need ReqT r(sm)
, SE j , vij , vj i , Tr ,θ}
2.2 Approach
We will try to maximize the collective intelligence index(CII) on the basis of these
two factors :
→ Knowledge Competence :based on expertise and strength of connectivity
→ Collaboration Competence : based on mutual trust on each other.
Approach in few steps :
→ First we are trying to compute expertise score of an individual ξi
→ Strength of connectitivity scij
→ Modified Strength of connectitivity scij is calculated between expert Ei and