The Importance Of The Parthenon Of Greek Architecture

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It’s obvious that the beauty of a structure rely on the architecture unique design and output, in this essay, I will analyzed the ancient Parthenon of Greece and the Pantheon building of Rome. Furthermore, the reader will have the opportunity to explore the popularity of the classical architecture of the Greek that was later copied by the Roman Empire. The style and function use of the Parthenon That Befit the Culture of the Greek
The Parthenon is a temple to the Greek goddess Athena that was built in 447 BC. This structure is a typical example of Greek architecture. Most of the temple’s design uses elements of the Doric order. For example, the floor plan is a typical Doric style with a rectangular floor plan and low steps on each side. The columns that surround the interior rooms are of the Doric order, although both Ionic and Corinthian columns can be seen as well. The use of the Parthenon represents the Greek culture as well.
Interestingly, the Parthenon is a temple to the goddess Athena, but it glorifies the Greeks more than it does the goddess. As a reflection of the Greek culture, the frieze has carvings of people in a procession on it. In a temple, this is the place where gods would normally be displayed. Many believe that this is a large statement about the Athenians, that they would put mortals in the place of gods. (Parthenon, n.d.).
The Style and Function Use of the Pantheon That Befit the Culture of the Roman Empire
In regards to the style and