The Invention Of The Arch Of Septimius

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In light of the architecture of Rome, one can immediately picture the great columns and of cors the arch. The truth of the matter is that these structures were all taken from the Greeks. However, the structure was a hybrid called, “Composite”. This was made possible due to the Roman invention of concrete.

“Its basis was pozzolana, a chocolate-coloured volcanic earth originally found near the Greek settlement of Puteoli, and subsequently discovered in vast quantities around Rome.”

When pozzolana was mixed with lime, along with broken pieces of brick, it was able to form into concrete. This incredible invention paved the way for dome structures to be built such as the Pantheon along with the Domus houses.

The importance of this discovery is made evident when you look at the impressive structures that were built in Rome. Not only were the domes impressive, but concrete also allowed Rome to build their sports centers, public pools, and their theaters. All across Italy and still standing in North Africa, you can find these columned structures standing. …show more content…

In order for the structure to not topple over, the proportions had to be dead on. To create an arch required various cuts of stone that would stack on top of each other and form its shape piece of by piece. Sticks would be placed beneath each stone until the final stone, the middle stone, was placed in the center of the arch way. This would cause pressure from both the right and the left sides and hold the structure together. The sticks could then be removed, concrete put down and a sturdy arch was