
The Most Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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Everyone knows how the story Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare ends with the death of the lovers’, but who is responsible? The people responsible for the lovers’ deaths are friar Laurence, Juliet, and Romeo because of countless irresponsible and careless decisions that resulted in a massive impact that they never expected to happen. Just like how people say It takes two to argue, in this case, it took two people to cause the lovers' death, and it just so happens that one of those two people is one of the lovers themselves. “This fight will decide who dies. They fight. Tybalt falls and dies” (3.1.149). This quote from the book is a line that Romeo says. It shows his hatred for Tybalt at the moment and how ready Romeo is to take another human’s life and is very okay with it. The fight ends with the death of Tybalt, which Romeo will realize later was a massive mistake. Tybalt was well known in the city of Verona and once the news has spread that Romeo is a cold-blooded killer, he was immediately banished from the city permanently. Romeo's not being allowed in the city that the …show more content…

Maybe just a bit too involved. “Take this vial, being then in bed, and this distillèd liquor drink thou off, when presently all thy veins shall run A cold and drowsy humor, for no pulse shall keep his native progress, but surcease” (4.1.214). Friar Lawrence is a smart guy and someone who knows what he’s talking about. The friar is the person who came up with the entire plan of him making a potion for Juliet to drink so that she would appear dead. If he had never thought up this plan, Juliet would never have looked dead to Romeo, so he wouldn’t have killed himself. Juliet wakes up soon after the deaf of Romeo and when she sees him, she decides that the best decision for her is to also end her own

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