The Movie Radio

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The movie Radio is based on a true story. It tells the story of James “Radio” Kennedy, a mentally handicapped man. In the beginning of the movie, Radio does not speak well, and he is very reserved. A few members of the local school’s football team only make matters worse by bullying and tormenting Radio. When Harold Jones, the team’s coach, sees Radio being bullied, he intervenes. He stops the bullies and reaches out to Radio. Thanks to Coach Jones, Radio progressively becomes happier, speaks more often, and speaks more easily. From the point where Coach Jones reaches out to Radio, the movie almost seems to split by telling two stories instead of one. It tells the story of Radio’s progression into the social community that the school provides, …show more content…

Kennedy was shown to the audience through the medium of a movie, but it is important to remember that she and most of the rest of the characters were based on real people. The character of Mrs. Kennedy reminds me of my grandmother, who, unlike Mrs. Kennedy, is still very much alive. Like Mrs. Kennedy, my grandmother is extremely hard working, determined and capable. She spends the majority of her free time improving her house in some way. In the last few years, she made made and put up several bird feeders, made an addition to her house, cleaned the garage and basement of her dead husband, who was a hoarder, painted her pool deck, and fixed her roof. She did have help for all of her projects, but it was her determination and capability that got the work done. My grandmother is also very compassionate and loving like Mrs. Kennedy. Just last year, during a downpour of freezing rain, my grandmother found a kitten on the tire of her truck. The kitten was close to both starving to death and freezing to death, and it’s one eye had was swollen shut and infected. My grandmother was too kind to just let die, so she took it to the vet where the kitten was treated for its infections and illnesses. The vet could not take the cat, so my grandmother, who has always hated cats, took the cat home and nursed it to full health. My grandmother is as kind as she is competent, just like Mrs. Kennedy in