
The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Views on abortions range of positive perspectives to negative perspectives. “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations”. The quote related to abortion because although it may be hard to have a baby, but at the end of the day it only makes you stronger. You mature more as a person and you learn new things everyday. When you think about it you may not think you will be able to have a baby, but you can do whatever you put your mind to. As long as you’re in a stable house and have a stable job then you’re set. Although I disagree with abortion, there should be an allowance only if the female was raped, but there will be proof needed to follow through with the process. In my opinion, if you have the nerve to get an abortion and you …show more content…

“Those who are pro-choice believe, correctly, that all people have rights regarding their bodies” (Eichenwald, Kurt). With that stated people believe that they have the right to do what they please which is true because due to the first amendment, you have the right to make your own decisions. Also stated “by that logic, an embryo or fetus is part of a woman, and she retains the right to make decisions as to whether she will bring that pregnancy to term” (Eichenwald, Kurt). Also referring to the first amendment you have the right to make your own decisions. You are able to choose to do as you please but killing a baby that did nothing to you isn’t the right thing to do. For one your mentality was to have a baby therefore you should have the same mentality to have the baby. For two, if the baby is no harm to you or itself, then there is no point of having an abortion. “On the flip side, anti-abortion proponents argue that since every person alive was granted the right to be born, those who argue that life should be denied to others through an abortion are violating the golden rule” (Eichenwald, Kurt). With that being said there, are people that are against abortions and really believe that everyone was granted to be born. Also, I believe that those alive now was able to be born and those who get pregnant and want to get an abortion should not be allowed to do so being that they didn’t get aborted. Also being that they should not be allowed to go through with an abortion just because they cannot own up to their

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