The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Argumentative Essay

Of all the rights that can possibly be claimed, an individual’s right to life is the most fundamental, but still abortion remains one of the most contested issues as far as social and moral obligations are concerned. Abortion has been a controversial subject in many societies through history on religious, moral, ethical, practical, and political grounds. It has been banned frequently and otherwise limited by law. However, even when abortions are legal on request in some countries with certain limitations, in others they are still banned, though continue to be common in many areas, even when illegal. But no abortion law or international treaty by itself can ensure that a woman can safely terminate a pregnancy that is unwanted, …show more content…

This new organism begins to grow by the normal process of differentiated cell division into an embryo, dividing into two cells. Its cells constitute a human organism, for they form a stable body and act together in a coordinated manner, which contributes to regular, predictable and determinate development toward the mature stage of a human being. That is, from the zygote stage onward, the human embryo has within it all of the internal information needed, including chiefly its genetic and epigenetic constitution, and the active disposition to develop itself to the mature stage of a human organism. As long as the embryo is reasonably healthy and is not denied or deprived of a suitable environment and adequate nutrition, it will actively develop itself along the …show more content…

The proper answer to these assertions would be a human fetus, a human infant, and a human adolescent without giving rights to some and depriving it from others, as these are simply stages of development in the human life cycle. The argument that a fetus is not a human being until it comes out of the womb is false as it is proven that at just twenty-two days after conception, a baby begins to pump its own blood. When a baby is just a cluster of cells, it contains human Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and human molecules. The nature of that cluster of cells is human. “Scientists define an organism as a complex structure of interdependent elements constituted to carry on the activities of life by separately-functioning but mutually dependent organs”. 5 A human starts as an embryo, becomes a fetus, is born an infant, develops into a child, grows into an adolescent, matures into adulthood, and eventually dies. Logically and thoughtfully, there is no justifiable reason to believe that a person is created during childbirth. During childbirth, an embryo essentially changes area and changes its method of securing sustenance and apportioning waste, however at no time does it get to be something completely new or distinctive. Life begins at conception and proceeds through